Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Railroad building

Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl

Twice a week, I go in to work at 1:00 p.m. Instead of just driving around or wasting time at the Office Max by Panera, I’ve decided to go around photographing stuff. I even have a list of stuff that I want to get in pictures. This building is one of the things I can cross off the list.

I’ve always wondered what this building is. It’s by a railroad track and even connects to it. Is it a repair facility? Is it for storage? I suppose I could ask someone. I believe it’s a Florida East Coast track, but I think they were recently acquired by someone else.

I have a shot of just the building, but I thought this shot was more interesting with just the one car. I was taking several shots to get the building by itself, which I did eventually do. This is along Biscayne Boulevard, which is what Miami-Dade County calls part of US-1 that falls within the county limits. As you can imagine, it’s a busy street. The fact that this is by a traffic light doesn’t help.

I know it’s at an odd angle. I was parked in the parking lot of a justice center and had no real reason to be parked there other than to take the shot, so I didn’t want to stay too long. I also didn’t want people seeing the camera and getting any ideas. I may go back on a weekend so I can get a better parking spot.

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