Sunday, December 9, 2007

sunset from parking lot 1153

sunset from parking lot 1153
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
I’m still working on getting a great sunset photo. This one’s pretty good, but it would have been nicer if the sky was a little darker. I guess if the sky was a little darker, the parking lot wouldn’t have come out at all, but you can’t have everything.

This was taken from the edge of the parking lot of a hotel we stayed in. It was hard to find, but I think we managed to do it on the second try. The parking lot that you see was for the strip mall that you might be able to make out.

I’ve got a few more sunset pictures on Flickr. I’ve been meaning to get a few more from around my house, but I don’t really want to venture out when it’s getting dark and I don’t know if I can do any better from my yard than the ones that I already have.

I’d welcome any suggestions.

Friday, December 7, 2007

flower 0355

flower 0355
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
Ok. It’s time for a change. Here’s a picture I took before the trip.

I got this shot while testing out the macro lens. It wasn’t until I was looking over the pictures that I noticed the little worm-like thing. I don’t know what it is, but it was pretty neat. It’s one of those things that I’m sure someone knows about, but it’s no big deal.

This was an easy picture, considering it was right out in my back yard. I’d like to go out one of these days and get more. It’s kind of hard to do this blog when all I have are pictures of my back yard and North Carolina.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Old Salem 0609

Old Salem 0609
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
I like taking pictures of unusual things. When I went to Old Salem, they had green signs. It’s kind of confusing to see a green stop sign. It sends mixed messages. To see this was just a little funny. It felt like the figures should have been in costume or something.

I like the contrast between two different things. I have another picture of a modern building peeking over the skyline. I think what struck me the most was that Old Salem had so many modern-looking things, including signs and roads.

I know. One of these days, I’m going to get a different set of pictures.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Jesus Saves

Jesus Saves 0821
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
I know I’m getting a lot of mileage out of my North Carolina trip, but I got a lot of pictures that I want to share. Here’s one that I believe is in Greensboro, North Carolina. At least, my mother does. I’m pretty sure it is, too, but I can’t be absolutely certain. (If someone knows where it is, please let me know.)

I’ve always wondered about religious signs. I can see it being effective in this case because it’s also serving as a beacon for people looking for the rescue mission, but how many times can you see and hear “Jesus saves” before becoming sick of or numb to it?

It’s not that I have anything against religion. It’s just the constant advertising that eventually gets to me. I’m not a religious person and I’m not going to become one based on some signage. Most religions recognize this and some wouldn’t even want you if you could. You really have to want to be part of that religion to become a part of it.

Christianity, on the other hand, seems to like to recruit. “Jesus saves” has become so ubiquitous that it’s the subject of several jokes. (For the sake of not getting hate mail, I’ll refrain from repeating here the two that I know.)

I want this blog to be mostly about photography and not about religion, so I’ll end this post here. I know I’m going to get a few comments as it is.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

bus depot 0833

bus depot 0833
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
This is one of those situations where I wish I had a wider angle lens. I was trying to get the entire bus depot in the shot, but I was right up against a wall that was behind me and I couldn’t get the entire thing. At least with this, I have a pretty good view of the front, but the widest I could get was 28mm. Even an 18mm lens might have done it.

I don’t know if I would have wanted to go walking around with anything wider than 18mm alone. I was nervous enough as it was. Even though it was broad daylight, there’s always the chance of someone coming up and stealing a bag. Sometimes, I feel a little obvious with such a big camera.

I had brought my Fuji F10 with me on the trip, but I ended up never using it. I don’t think it would have helped here, but it might have been nice to try. Then again, I don’t think it would have been much wiser to walk around with two when one seemed obvious.

If I recall, this was in Greensboro. I had been there a few years prior, but I didn’t think to get a picture back then. Maybe I’ll be back through there a few years from now with a wide-angle lens and a friend.