Monday, December 3, 2007

Jesus Saves

Jesus Saves 0821
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
I know I’m getting a lot of mileage out of my North Carolina trip, but I got a lot of pictures that I want to share. Here’s one that I believe is in Greensboro, North Carolina. At least, my mother does. I’m pretty sure it is, too, but I can’t be absolutely certain. (If someone knows where it is, please let me know.)

I’ve always wondered about religious signs. I can see it being effective in this case because it’s also serving as a beacon for people looking for the rescue mission, but how many times can you see and hear “Jesus saves” before becoming sick of or numb to it?

It’s not that I have anything against religion. It’s just the constant advertising that eventually gets to me. I’m not a religious person and I’m not going to become one based on some signage. Most religions recognize this and some wouldn’t even want you if you could. You really have to want to be part of that religion to become a part of it.

Christianity, on the other hand, seems to like to recruit. “Jesus saves” has become so ubiquitous that it’s the subject of several jokes. (For the sake of not getting hate mail, I’ll refrain from repeating here the two that I know.)

I want this blog to be mostly about photography and not about religion, so I’ll end this post here. I know I’m going to get a few comments as it is.

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