Saturday, December 1, 2007

bus depot 0833

bus depot 0833
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
This is one of those situations where I wish I had a wider angle lens. I was trying to get the entire bus depot in the shot, but I was right up against a wall that was behind me and I couldn’t get the entire thing. At least with this, I have a pretty good view of the front, but the widest I could get was 28mm. Even an 18mm lens might have done it.

I don’t know if I would have wanted to go walking around with anything wider than 18mm alone. I was nervous enough as it was. Even though it was broad daylight, there’s always the chance of someone coming up and stealing a bag. Sometimes, I feel a little obvious with such a big camera.

I had brought my Fuji F10 with me on the trip, but I ended up never using it. I don’t think it would have helped here, but it might have been nice to try. Then again, I don’t think it would have been much wiser to walk around with two when one seemed obvious.

If I recall, this was in Greensboro. I had been there a few years prior, but I didn’t think to get a picture back then. Maybe I’ll be back through there a few years from now with a wide-angle lens and a friend.

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