Friday, November 23, 2007

Old Salem 0679

Old Salem 0679
Originally uploaded by Brian Kuhl
I like to take pictures that show two totally different things coexisting. When in Old Salem, I saw this scene and I knew I had to have a picture. I don’t imagine people in Old Salem had modern cash registers.

It looks like as much as possible has been preserved, but I would think that a few liberties may have been deliberately taken. For instance, I don’t think they had modern cars in Old Salem, either. One can walk around and see people in clothing that would be appropriate to the era, but no one in character really comments on modern clothing.

From what I can find, the first cash register was invented in 1883. Old Salem was founded about a century earlier, but the time period that Old Salem tries to portray could include the first cash register.

I know it’s not a major detail in the grand scheme of things. Most people wouldn’t even think of it and it didn’t ruin the trip for me. Still, it caught my attention.

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